Should You Take Abortion Pills or Choose Surgical Abortion?

Should You Take Abortion Pills or Choose Surgical Abortion?

Abortions pills and surgical abortion are both methods of pregnancy termination. Medical abortion is a non-invasive process, wherein the female has to take an anti-progesterone pill and prostaglandin pill to expel the pregnancy parts from the uterus. In a surgical abortion, the woman has to visit a hospital, where an examination takes place of the pregnancy.

After which, the doctor numbs and dilates the cervix, inserting a tube-like tool to check the uterus. Then a vacuum aspiration instrument sucks out the pregnancy portions. Here, the person can go home the same day. But pregnancy termination with abortion pills can take 7 to 14 days to give desired results.

Both these methods are effective and safe to end a pregnancy. But they are different in several ways. Here are the distinctions between medical and surgical abortion:

1.  Availability and Access

You can easily buy abortion pills online  from You may however have to produce a prescription for the purchase of the medications. For the surgical method, you need to get an appointment with a doctor who will first analyze your health. Then you will have to visit the clinic on the procedure day.

So, you can personally manage the intake of abortion pills and initiate pregnancy termination at home. But the surgical abortion can only take place in a medical facility.

2.  The Process for Medical Abortion

In medical pregnancy termination, you have to take Mifepristone (anti-progesterone medicine) by mouth on the first day. After 24 to 48 hours, you need to take Misoprostol pills buccally. Follow the dosage guidelines as per advice. You can order MTP Kit online in USA to get both Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills in one pack.

The secondary medicine softens the cervix and allows the uterus to contract to pass out the pregnancy tissues and parts. Here, you can expect moderate to heavy bleeding. Some of the side effects are nausea, weakness, body ache, diarrhea, etc.

Remember, you can take abortion pills for a successful pregnancy ending within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. The pills do not render any assured result if taken beyond this period into pregnancy.

3.  The Process for Surgical Abortion

In surgical pregnancy termination, you will receive medicine to soften and number the cervix. The doctor will insert a small dilator in the cervix and you have to wait for a few hours. This allows the cervix to stretch. You may also receive local anesthesia.

If you are in the first trimester, the surgeon will undertake vacuum aspiration. It takes 10 minutes or so to complete the procedure. A speculum will be inserted into the vagina, a dilator to open the cervix, and then putting of tube into the uterus. Gentle suction is then applied to empty the uterus of pregnancy portions.

You can expect some cramping during the process and slight bleeding. But these reduce once the tube is taken out from the uterus. After examination for the success of surgery, you will be directed to the rest area. If you are more than 16 weeks into pregnancy, then the dilation and evacuation process is performed for abortion.

Here, additional surgical tools are used by the doctor to remove the pregnancy tissue from the womb. Also, a stronger suction is applied than vacuum aspiration during the procedure. The surgical method for uterus evacuation could be more expensive than the medical one. Thus, many prefer to buy abortion pills online than former.

To Conclude

As you can understand, both procedures work excellently when it comes to pregnancy termination. It is hard to say which is better. But we can say, the choice for any of the procedures depends on personal preference, gestational age, and the health state of the person.For instance, if a woman has too many health complications, especially bleeding disorders, it is wiser to choose surgical abortion. But if you are fit and do not have much medical history, then you can order MTP Kit online in USA and have more privacy to self-initiate abortion at home.

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